Week 3: The Vision of the Great Image - The Controlling Vision in the Book of Daniel
2 tells us an exciting story about Nebuchadnezzar's dream, and Daniel
comes out to interpret it. It cannot be an overstatement if I say that
Daniel is the greatest dream interpreter throughout the world history.
He could interpret the dream, despite the king insisted not to tell
anything about his dream to anyone. The king commanded all wise men,
saying "tell me what I dream, and interpret it for me." (paraphrased
from Daniel 2:5-6) What a ridiculous command! But it is a wise strategy
to make sure that the interpretation is from understanding, not by just
guessing. And
Daniel could do it. He did not do it by his own wisdom or power.
Neither did he claim the glory for himself. He told the king clearly, "There
are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or sorcerers in all the world
who are able to reveal the mystery the king requested. But there is a
God in heaven who can reveal such mysteries." (Daniel 2:27-28 The Voice)
Yes, Daniel, the man of prayer, could do this great thing after he
prayed. He could do it because he had a great God who is able. His God
is the same God that we have today!
story verifies the truth we learned last week: through prayer, we can
to do what man cannot do, and we can understand what man cannot
understand! Through the king's dream and Daniel's interpretation, we can
see God's plan for human history until Christ's second coming.
sorry for lengthy introduction. That is what I had enjoyed from the
story long time ago. I'm going to get to the main points now.
the image that the king saw has head of gold, breast + arms of silver,
abdomen + thighs of bronze, and legs of iron + feet of iron and clay,
which are corresponding to the four beasts in Daniel chapter 7. These
symbols signify human empires throughout history. (Day 1)
= lion
= Babylonian Empire (founded since the time of Nimrod in Genesis 10:9-10)
= bear
= Medo-Persian Empire
= leopard
= Macedonian-Grecian Empire
= fourth beast
= Roman Empire
though we may think that Roman Empire has already fallen down, we are
actually under the influence of Roman Empire in many ways, as Roman
Empire had acquired many things from previous empires. The vision,
correlating with history, tells us that we are at the foot, nearly
reaching the ten toes, when the Antichrist will come with the support of
10 kings (Revelation 17:10-12) (Day 2) This vision also shows us that
in God's eye, all human governments throughout history are just a part
of the same body whose head is Babylon. Human governments always tend to
do 3 things: rebel against God, exalt man, and worship idols. (Day 1)
And the final destination of the whole body of this image, all human
governments, is being completely destroyed by a stone that is cut out
without hands. (Daniel 2:34) (Day 4) And this "stone," representing
Christ, is my highlight.
Christ as a Stone
1. Christ as a "smiting stone" for all nations
watched while a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image
on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces. (Daniel 2:34
...but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder (Matthew 21:44b NKJV)
It is clearly seen in the story, for all nations whose head is Babylon, Christ
is the smiting stone that will come down to destroy all human empires.
So this vision should be a nightmare for those who belong to earthly
kingdom, because Christ will come as smiting stone.
2. Christ as a "stumbling stone" for unbelieving Jews
He will be as a sanctuary, But a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense To both the houses of Israel, As a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. (Isaiah 8:14 NKJV)
And whoever falls on this stone will be broken. (Matthew 21:44a NKJV)
unbelieving Jews, Christ is a stone for them also, but a stumbling
Stone, a rock of offense, that will break them who fall on this stone
into pieces.
Therefore, this stone is terrifying for this group of people as well.
3. Christ as a "foundation stone," "cornerstone," and "living stone" for all believers
The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord’s doing; It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:22-24 NKJV)
Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; Whoever believes will not act hastily. (Isaiah 28:16)
to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God
and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a
spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4-5 NKJV)
second coming should be truly scary for the first 2 groups of people,
because His coming is very sure and they will surely perish by God's
righteous judgment. However, His coming should be very encouraging for
us, because His coming is 100% sure. Thanks
be to our God who has revealed His great mercy on us. Through Christ's
work of redemption for us, we can escape from this dismal and fatal
destiny. We are not a part of the human image, and are not the
unbelieving Jews. Our head is not Babylon. Christ is not smiting rock or
stumbling stone for us. Instead, our head is Christ. This
stone was cut off when Christ died for us. Moreover, He was raised from
the dead to be our foundation stone, cornerstone (Isaiah 26:18) and
Living Stone (1 Peter 2:4). Praise the Lord!
Christ is "foundation," "tested stone," and "precious cornerstone," in whom we trust, and on which the church is built. And we, as His body, will come together with Him as a corporate stone to destroy all human kingdoms. Moreover,
the vision continues that the stone that was cut without hand would
eventually become a great mountain filling the whole earth. Christ is
risen! He is living stone. He is living in us. He must increase in our
lives, while we must decrease. And we are to be a living stone too.
controlling vision demonstrates Christ as the centrality (stone) and
universality (mountain) of God's move. He is the hub and the rim; the
center and the circumference, and the beginning and the end. He is
all-inclusive One! (Day 5) And His increase will fill the whole earth, manifested as the growing of His church and establishment of His eternal kingdom.
What kind of stone is Christ for you?
is your reaction when you hear the message about the vision of great
human image that will be destroyed by the stone? What kind of stone is
Christ for you? Christ is coming for sure and very soon.
Christ is a smiting stone for you, it is not too late. Just repent, and
believe in Jesus. Let Him be your Lord and you God. And you will not
have to fear His second coming anymore.
Christ is a foundation stone, cornerstone, and living stone in your
life, please be assured that His coming is a good news for you. We need
to be prepared and looking forward to the coming of our Bridegroom who
loves us the most. He will come secretly at an unexpected time as a
thief to bring His bride, the church, to be with Him forever. We will
see Him as He is, and will enjoy Him forever. Let's pray the last prayer
in the bible, "Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20 NKJV) (Day 6)
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who
will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious
body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all
things to Himself. (Philippians 3:20-21 NKJV)
conclusion, this controlling vision in Daniel 2 explicitly demonstrates
the 3 principles that we learned on the first week. May I reiterate
again here.
- This universe is under God's administration. Rising up and falling down of human governments have never surprised God. He is absolutely in control. Heavens do rule.
- God's intention in His administration is to make Christ eminent. Christ the stone will be increasing until He becomes the mountain filling the whole earth. He is to be our foundation stone, cornerstone, living stone. He is to be our center and our everything.
- God will accomplish His economy through us. God has revealed this controlling vision to us, so that we can understand His economy. Let us be fully cooperating and coordinating with Him. Let us join His move on earth. And we, as the overcomers, will be raptured by Him, receive the reward, and enjoy Him forever.
- The Holy Word for Morning Revival: Crystallisation Study of Daniel and Zechariah Volume 1, week 3.
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